Using ergol with rocket
You can integrate ergol with rocket!
Note: ergol supports only rocket 0.5, which is not published on
yet. If you wish to use ergol with rocket, you must use ergol git version
instead of the version, in order to be able to use the with-rocket
feature. The dependency in your Cargo.toml
will look like this:
ergol = { git = "", rev = "v0.1.0", features = ["with-rocket"] }
There is a little bit of boilerplate, but once everything is set up, you can use ergol in your routes!
extern crate ergol; #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rocket::fairing::AdHoc; use rocket::request::{FromRequest, Outcome, Request}; use rocket::State; use ergol::deadpool::managed::Object; use ergol::prelude::*; use ergol::tokio_postgres::Client; use ergol::Queryable; /// A wrapper for a database connection extrated from a pool. pub struct Db(Object<ergol::pool::Manager>); impl Db { /// Extracts a database from a pool. pub async fn from_pool(pool: ergol::Pool) -> Db { Db(pool.get().await.unwrap()) } } // This allows to pass directly Db instead of Ergol to the ergol's functions. impl std::ops::Deref for Db { type Target = Object<ergol::pool::Manager>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &*&self.0 } } impl Queryable<Client> for Db { fn client(&self) -> &Client { self.0.client() } } // This allows to use Db in routes parameters. #[rocket::async_trait] impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for Db { type Error = (); async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> { let pool = request.guard::<&State<ergol::Pool>>().await.unwrap(); let db = pool.get().await.unwrap(); Outcome::Success(Db(db)) } } #[ergol] pub struct Item { #[id] id: i32, name: String, count: i32, } #[get("/add-item/<name>/<count>")] async fn add_item(name: String, count: i32, db: Db) -> String { Item::create(name, count).save(&db).await.unwrap(); "Item added".into() } #[get("/")] async fn list_items(db: Db) -> String { let items = Item::select() .execute(&db) .await .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|x| format!(" - {}: {}",, x.count)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join("\n"); format!("{}\n{}", "List of items:", items) } #[rocket::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), rocket::Error> { // Setup rocket with its database connections pool. let rocket = rocket::build() .attach(AdHoc::on_ignite("Database", |rocket| async move { let pool = ergol::pool("host=localhost user=ergol password=ergol", 32).unwrap(); rocket.manage(pool) })) .mount("/", routes![list_items, add_item]) .ignite() .await?; // Get the pool from rocket. let pool = rocket.state::<ergol::Pool>().unwrap(); { // Reset the Db at startup (you may not want to do this, but it's cool for an example). let db = Db::from_pool(pool.clone()).await; Item::drop_table().execute(&db).await.ok(); Item::create_table().execute(&db).await.unwrap(); } // rocket.launch().await Ok(()) }
See the example for more details.