
Ergol comes with a (pretty simple for the moment) system for migrations.

In order to be able to manage your migrations, you need to install ergol cli:

cargo install ergol_cli

Saving migrations

When building your application, the ergol proc macro automatically generates json files for each marked structure. Those json files represent the state of the database, and are stored in the migrations/current directory.

You can freeze a certain state of your database by running

ergol save

It will copy the migrations/current directory to a migrations/0 directory (or migrations/n n being the number of migrations you already have). It will also add up.sql and down.sql to migrate from n - 1 to n and back.

Note: when adding new columns, you probably will need to specify default values by editing directly the migrations/n/up.sql.

For example, let's say I start an application with the following model:

fn main() {
extern crate ergol;
use ergol::prelude::*;
pub struct User {
    #[id] id: i32,
    username: String,
    email: String,

The up.sql will look like this

    username VARCHAR NOT NULL,

and the down.sql will look like this


I build my application, then run ergol save, and have my migrations/0/{up.sql,down.sql} files.

Let's say I want to add a new attribute to my User struct for the age of the users.

fn main() {
extern crate ergol;
use ergol::prelude::*;
pub struct User {
    #[id] id: i32,
    username: String,
    email: String,
    age: i32,

If I run ergol save again, I will have a migrations/1/up.sql that will look like this:

ALTER TABLE users ADD age INT NOT NULL DEFAULT /* TODO default value */;

You need to change this code to set the default value for the column.

Running ergol hint will show the code that migrates from the last migration to the current migration.

Running migrations

You can run all migrations by running ergol migrate. Ergol creates a special table that it uses to keep track of what migration the database is in, and will run all migrations between the current migration of the database to the last saved migrations.


The last useful command you can do with ergol is ergol reset. It deletes the whole database, and recreate it using only the last migration. It is particularly useful when developping an app when you want to reset your database.