Getting started

This crate provides the #[ergol] macro. You can use it by adding

ergol = "0.1"

to your dependencies.

It allows to persist the data in a database. For example, you just have to write

fn main() {
extern crate ergol;
use ergol::prelude::*;

pub struct User {
    #[id] pub id: i32,
    #[unique] pub username: String,
    pub password: String,
    pub age: Option<i32>,

and the #[ergol] macro will generate most of the code you will need. You'll then be able to run code like the following:

extern crate tokio;
extern crate ergol;
use ergol::prelude::*;
pub struct User {
    #[id] pub id: i32,
    #[unique] pub username: String,
    pub password: String,
    pub age: Option<i32>,
async fn main() -> Result<(), ergol::tokio_postgres::Error> {
    let (db, connection) = ergol::connect(
        "host=localhost user=ergol password=ergol dbname=ergol",
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        if let Err(e) = connection.await {
            eprintln!("connection error: {}", e);
// Drop the user table if it exists

// Create the user table

// Create a user and save it into the database
let mut user: User = User::create("thomas", "pa$$w0rd", Some(28)).save(&db).await?;

// Change some of its fields
*user.age.as_mut().unwrap() += 1;

// Update the user in the database;

// Fetch a user by its username thanks to the unique attribute
let user: Option<User> = User::get_by_username("thomas", &db).await?;

// Select all users
let users: Vec<User> = User::select().execute(&db).await?;